Statement of Purpose
It is the purpose of Lighthouse Chapel to make known to all peoples the transforming grace of God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our main mission is to make apprentices of Jesus Christ (disciples) and to incorporate believers into the fellowship of our church and to equip them for ministry to all who respond in faith. We seek to accomplish this through weekly worship services, Bible Study, and fellowship events.
To make known to all peoples the transforming grace of God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
To be a beacon of light
that attracts the lost, hurting, and disillusioned Into the safe harbor of God’s salvation and love.
For more information and an introduction to who we are at Lighthouse Chapel.
We believe and teach everyone the importance of having a biblical worldview. Here is an eye-opening article from the
Harbinger Daily News Service "The Abandonment Of Truth Comes With A Painfully High Cost" By Alex McFarland, a publication that promotes a biblical worldview.
"The 21st century is different from all other generations, at least in this way: We are living in the first era of an international attempt to suppress moral knowledge. I refer to the widespread cultural abandonment of belief in “natural law.”
In the classroom, through the media, in our entertainment and via rigidly enforced corporate policies, accommodation of clear moral truth is being squelched with unrelenting pressure. America’s founders (and thought leaders throughout history) often referred to our knowledge of right and wrong as “natural law.” Phrases like “self-evident truth,” “higher law” or “the laws of nature and nature’s God”—these were terms used to describe the awareness of right or wrong known to all people.
Natural law doesn’t mean that people always do what is right. But deep down, in our conscience, people really do know what’s right. This has been amply documented by many scholars, persuasively arguing that humans are a species uniquely hard wired with the ability to know right from wrong. In his 1943 classic “The Abolition of Man,” C.S. Lewis documents precepts of the moral codes held by major cultures throughout history, all of which strongly echo the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20.
Face it, we are moral creatures. And no scientific theory can account for why humans are born knowing right from wrong. The Bible points out the moral awareness universally embedded within us. Romans 2:14-15 states, “When Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts.”
Romans 3 and 1 Peter 4 speak of the “oracles of God,” which were entrusted to the Jewish people. But because knowledge of right and wrong is known to all people, we are accountable to our Creator. We should do right because in our heart of hearts, we actually know what is right.
Activists for secularism, for abortion, and for the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism fight the recognition of objective morality. All of these groups pressure professional societies, academics and legal professionals to side with them in their opposition against natural law. LGBTQ activists deem any disagreement with their message an act of violence on par with physical assault. Their lobbying of major corporations to make policies more accepting of LGBTQ demands has been very successful.
This widespread abandoning of morality not only gravely undermines our (currently) protected rights regarding freedom of religious expression and the freedom to share the Gospel, it also endangers people’s well-being and eternal souls. The cultural call to sexual license and gender fluidity is not the innocuous path to personal freedom our society is being led to believe. Abandonment of known truth comes with a painfully high cost.
While I was attending graduate school in the early 1990s, one of the jobs I worked was as assistant manager of a Christian bookstore. Ministry opportunities seemed to walk through the door daily, and one unforgettable person we met was Russ. He would come to the bookstore many times each week, and he struggled with many things. Physical abuse that went back to childhood had taken a severe toll on this young man.
For Russ, the peace of Christ and a stable spiritual walk seemed elusive. One day he informed us that from then on, he was to be called “Courtney.” The real answer to his problems, he was convinced, was to become a woman. Shortly after, Russ told us that he was now living with people who truly loved him—but only as “Courtney.” He let us know that his new community had a different understanding of Scripture than we had been sharing. His visits to our store became less common.
There is desire in every heart for love and acceptance that only Jesus can fill. It was clear that this young man was seeking fulfillment in some very unhealthy places. At one point, “Courtney” expressed desire to permanently return to being Russ, but the pressure to conform to the standards of the alternative community was intense. The last time we ever saw Russ, my wife and I begged him to seek counseling.
The newspaper headline reported that Russ’s death was an unsolved case. Whether or not he was murdered, committed suicide, or died accidentally was never known.
But in the gender-fluid climate of the 21st century, this is certain: Christians who tried to help Russ would today be accused of hate crimes for refusing to encourage the dark, destructive identity of “Courtney.” For trying to help this young man trust God’s design for his life, we would be guilty of “misgendering.” We had taken Russ into our homes, our lives and our hearts. But progressives today would say that the Christian truth we offered amounted to acts of violence.
Because there is a universal witness of God written on every heart, Romans 1:20 contains some sobering words: “They are without excuse.” Before the Almighty, we are accountable. Perhaps this accountability to God—and not just to ourselves—is why many in our culture wish there were no natural moral law. This is certainly what John 3:19 indicates: “Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”
We have all done things we know are wrong. This is called sin. By breaking the known moral law, we are guilty before the Lawgiver. How sad it would be if the story ended there.
Thankfully, though John’s Gospel contains the indictment of man’s love for sin, in this same chapter, verse 16 records God’s intervention to save us from our guilt: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” The most morally correct and wise thing anyone will ever do is to respond in faith and obedience.
Doors Open at 8:00 AM
Bible Worldview Today - 8:30 AM
Lighthouse Kids - 8:30 AM
Coffee & Fellowship - 9:30 AM
Morning Service - 10:00 AM
9461 N. 2nd Street - Roscoe
Join us for our teaching series on the Book of Jonah.
Feb 2 - Jonah - Running From God 1:1-17
February 9 - Jonah 1:4-10 - Weathering the Storm
February 16 - Jonah 1:10-17
February 23 - Jonah
February Event - watch for details.
Pray for pastors and church leaders to stand strong on the Word of God, sound doctrine, and teach their flocks why they should vote and to vote for leaders who best represent a biblical worldview. Pray for a return to law and order. Pray for honest judges and witnesses that do not lie in our court systems. Pray for free and fair elections in 2024. Pray for those J6ers still in prison without a fair trial. Pray for protection from those who wish to attack us within our borders.
Pray for the IDF to have safety and victory in their fight against evil. For this time of war in Israel and that God would bring them victory over their enemy Hamas (means 'violence'), Hezbollah, and now Iran. Pray for all those effected by the war and that God will restore the peace in His time. Pray that all the hostages will be released safe and unharmed. Psalm 83 and Ezek. 38
Divided Nations: Why Are People Leaving the Church in America?
Weathering the Storm, Jonah 1:4-10
Divided Nations: What is causing the Mass Exodus in the Church in the West.
Running from God, Jonah 1:1-5
Divided Nations: We have a Church problem in America, Pt 2
A Message of Encouragement, Restoration, & Hope
Obadiah 15-21
The Reality of God's Judgment
Obadiah 10-14
God's Sovereignty On Display
Obadiah 7-10
Divided Nations: We have a Church problem in America
God's Message to Edom
Obadiah 1-14
Lighthouse Chapel 2nd Anniversary
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